Guided Tours and Tastings for Groups
Let the experts show you the hidden treasures along Fünf-Seidla-Steig!
If you want to hike along and don`t want to organise the tour by yourself our partners will provide you with the necessary plans. They can acquire the reservations for meals in the restaurants and accompany your group on chosen subjects you want to experience. For some breweries guided visits can be booked directly when requesting a tour guide.
Some of our partners can also arrange a day tour or even short holiday in the region – „Fränkische Schweiz“ (Franconian Switzerland) and offer qualified travel company for e. g. bus tours. Those contacts are noted at the BOTTOM of this page.
Please take into account that not all of our tour guides are multilingual – in most cases you would need a translator.
Big groups – please note that making a reservation is hardly possible on the weekends because of the other groups hiking. Please change to weekdays if possible! Friday is the best day for visiting all of our brewery inns – usually all of them are open.
Tour-Special for guided groups
Hiking on the Fünf-Seidla-Steig is ideal for club and group outings. However you may not make it through all the five breweries and inns, especially if you have a longer journey and can`t start early in the morning. Our guides will make the best tour offer for the time you have – and you will be happy to enjoy your day more relaxed by e.g. visiting only three inns. Our collectors mug is available not matter where the tour ends!
Please talk to your tour guide if there is a possibility on this day to also bring home with you the missing beer tastings.
Here some subjects to choose from at a guided tour:
Tour guides
For enquiries concerning prices and bookings please contact the guides directly.
Rich führt gerne…Gruppen bis zu 10 Personen 🙂

Rich Carbonara
+49 157 5850 7033
online bookings
Guided beer tours throughout Bavaria and Franconia
in English language
Author and blogger, e. g. Beer Hiking Bavaria,
Topics for guided tours in English:
Brewing culture
Francionian cuisine
History of Fünf-Seidla-Steig
Sabine führt gerne…Gruppen bis zu 10 Personen 😀

Sabine Adler
09126 44 78
Hiking guide (German Hiking Association),
Nature and Landscape guide,
Health Hike guide (DWV)
Certified beer connoisseuse (Tourist Board Franconian Switzerland/ German Beer Academy)
Health Hikes
Topics for guided tours:
Brewing culture
Natural and cultivated landscape
Health & leisure hike
- Hiking in stages along with easy gymnastic- and relaxation exercices; preferably light meals cooked with beer specialities (only by request)/li>
- Further options: detours to “Teufelstisch” or “Lillachquelle”; Kneipp curing (footbathing); Relaxation exercises e. g. as tree-meditation, wood-bathing; consideration of seasonal specials as cherry blossom or carp time (carp in beerdough…)
- Suitable as wellness event for companies
Rosa führt gerne…Gruppen jeder Größe 😉

Rosa Schmidt-Köhler
09194 41 60
Travel-consultant for nature trips,
Educationalist for nature and experience
Topics for guided tours:
Brewing culture
Natural and cultivated landscape
Plants and herbs along the route
About the healing effects of beer
My hiking tip:
Herb- & wellness hike
Start 10 a.m., open duration – ideal on Thursdays and Fridays
- Start in Gräfenberg or Weißenohe
- Optional picnic with non-alcoholic beverages along the route if there is no breakfast or possibility for a meal reservation
- Explanation of native herbs along the route; 1/2 hour wood-bathing as relaxation exercise by request
Marcel führt gerne…große Gruppen 😛

Marcel Peter
0177 19 18 865
Hiking and cultural tours
Certified beer connoisseur (Tourist Board Franconian Switzerland/ German Beer Academy)
Topics for guided tours:
Brewing culture
Natural and cultivated landscape
Culture: history of sites and settlement
My hiking tip:
Classical Fünf-Seidla-Steig
Start 10 a.m., end approx. 5 p.m.
- Pre-lunch drink in Weißenohe with short church tour
- Hiking stage to Gräfenberg for lunch (according to possibility at Bräustüberl or Lindenbräu, big groups may be splitted)
- Depending on schedule: short town tour or tour around the moat
- Hike to Hohenschwärz, stop over for drinks (coffee, beer etc.)
- Hike to Thuisbrunn, warm dinner
- Return by bus
Along the route: interesting information about Franconian Switzerland and the brewing culture. A complete round tour would also be possible – then no bus is needed and we can enjoy more of the scenic surroundings.
Doris führt gerne…kleine & große Gruppen 😎

Doris Philippi
09191 79 70 99
Certified messenger on culinary delights in Upper Franconia (HWK),
Certified beer connoisseur (Tourist Board Franconian Switzerland/ German Beer Academy),
Certified cultural guide,
Hiking Guide (German Hiking Association),
Qualified geographer
Topics for guided tours:
Brewing culture
Natural and cultivated landscape
Culture: sites and settlement history
Plants and herbs along the route
My hiking tip:
Landscape & brewing culture
Start 9 a.m., end approx. 4.30 p.m.
- Short refreshment in Weißenohe, brewery tour with small beer tasting
- Hiking stage to Gräfenberg, stop over at 12 a.m. for lunch or snack at Bräustüberl or Lindenbräu
- Hike to Thuisbrunn or Hohenschwärz with conclusion
- Extension option: Hike back to Gräfenberg with conclusion at Bergschlösschen
- Emphasis on brewing culture and scenic characteristics along the route
Accomplished beer tastings & degustations
A certified beer conoisseur, beer sommelièr(e) or approved “messenger on culinary delights” explains the beer specialities in the particular inn. Those tastings can be booked as a separate event or together with a guided tour with some of the tour guides. Maybe he/she already introduced some beery features to you along the route…
Sabine Adler
09126 44 78
Certified beer connoisseuse (Tourist Board Franconian Switzerland/ German Beer Academy)
Marcel Peter
0177 19 18 865
Certified beer connoisseur (Tourist Board Franconian Switzerland/ German Beer Academy)
Doris Philippi
09191 79 70 99…
Certified messenger on culinary delights in Upper Franconia (HWK),
Certified beer connoisseur (Tourist Board Franconian Switzerland/ German Beer Academy)
Deutsche Bierakademie
Markus Raupach & Holger Hahn
09545 443 28 81
Beer sommeliers, organizers of beer workshops and seminaries
All events possible in English language
Travel companions & more
Some of our guides are on tour in the whole region. They optionally organize a multi-day-tour travelling Franconian Switzerland, accompany a bus tour or are specialized on the beer topic.
Doris Philippi
09191 79 70 99…
German Beer Academy
Deutsche Bierakademie
Markus Raupach & Holger Hahn
09545 443 28 81
School of Nature Viva Natura
Naturschule Viva Natura
Rosa Schmidt-Köhler
09194 41 60
Marcel Peter
0177 19 18 865
Organization of bus tours through Franconian Switzerland,
Bus hostess,
Hiking tours on several topics
Spezialised on events and tastings on the beer topic,
Beer seminaries and – tours
All events also in English language
Organisation of nature experience events in Franconian Switzerland,
Hiking tours on several topics
Organisation of day trips in Franconian Switzerland,
Bus host
Warranty & exclusion of liability
Please note that the services referred to on this page are offered on the account of the tour guides and we provide you with the contact only.
The Fünf-Seidla-Steig®-breweries don`t take warranty for the occurrence of a tour or cancellations e.g. because of weather conditions. The breweries do not take any liablity for the service of the guides, they act on their own account.