Discovery Tours
In the local surroundings there are many things to experience – to combine while visiting Fünf-Seidla-Steig or for returning some day. Be surprised!
As a group you can ask a local TOUR GUIDE for the best arrangement or company. (Separate prices calculated by the guides – depending on demand).
Unfortunately, we can not provide you with all of the information in English language. Here we try to give you some ideas with information we have translated from other sights and offers (headings only).
…directly at Fünf-Seidla-Steig:
Large size and tower clock museum
with fossil exhibition
(regional fossils!)
Turmuhrenmuseum Gräfenberg
Hike along the Thuisbrunn hill slopes
“Thuisbrunner Leitenweg”
Discovery tours in Gräfenberg
• Walk around the old town
• Gräfenberg – beer city
• Michaelis`chapel
• Water for Gräfenberg
• Overlooking the roofs of Gräfenberg
Compilation by the association “Friends of Gräfenberg Old Town”
Knight-Wirnt tiny museums`parlour
in the Kräußelhaus (Gräfenberg) – in progress
Herbal walks
Herbal walks and excursions with degustation of home made herb products
(Thuisbrunn and surroundings)
Veronika Schmidt – herb educator
Thuisbrunn 37
91322 Gräfenberg
Tel. 09197/1099
Church visit
Former monastery church St. Boniface in Weißenohe (baroque church)
Parish office Weißenohe
Tel. 09192 280
Guided tour around Gräfenberg by the “Friends of Gräfenberg Old Town”-Association
Indoor pool Gräfenberg
Outdoor pool Gräfenberg
…in the local area:
Wildlife parc at Hundshaupten
Egloffstein castle
Baking bread in the outdoor oven
with introduction and technical instructions (in Haidhof, for groups from at least 15)
Mon to Thurs by agreement.
Contact and reservation only possible by one of our approved TOUR GUIDES.